Monday, February 21, 2011

Local Celebrity Comes To Niche This Spring

Wanna feel like a Celeb? Or at least a Local Celebrity? Me too. And it just got easier. Local Celebrity, the super funny, ultra silly tee shirt line arrives at Niche this week!

Who is this Local Celebrity you say? Check out the about us blurb on

We got the idea for Local Celebrity back in 2003 while we were at a music festival in rural Illinois – Cornerstore. We were rocking out in the middle of a corn field when inspiration struck us like heavy metal thunder, “Let’s ditch our jobs and start a t-shirt company!” Pretty much just like that we packed up our bags and headed to San Diego to move into our grandma’s ranch. After a long road-trip, a few brainstorming sessions, and a couple dozen high-fives, we came up with our first set of designs. We maxed out our credit cards, bought a screen-printing machine, and taught ourselves how to make t-shirts, and that’s what started it all.

It wasn’t long before Grandma's ranch couldn’t handle the abundance of freshness we were churning out, so we packed up again, and moved to a very glamorous part of downtown Los Angeles known as Skid Row. We’ve been laying our magical mac down here ever since.

All the products that we sell are produced 100% from scratch by us right here in LA. We do not buy other mid-grade t-shirts like American Apparel or Hanes and print designs on them, and try to call ourselves a brand. We buy our own ultra-premium fabrics, then cut & sew our own custom t-shirts, creating the perfect canvas for our designs! You'll notice the difference as soon as you see and feel them, if you haven't already...and you'll especially notice the difference when you're getting "snapped" all over town…. “Oh snap!! Where’d you get that shirt!?”

You can find Local Celebrity in the finest retail stores all over the world and right here at, where you can also collect limited-edition shirts that are not available in stores or anywhere else on the web.

We’re family owned and operated, and absolutely love what we do! We truly appreciate all our loyal customers and fans. We add new content to the site every day, and new designs every week, so be sure to visit us often!

Woot woot,

Local Celebrity

Total Dopeness. Check out a few of the styles that we found amusing.

I don't kiss and tell flutter dress
Happy Go Luck V neck

Here comes trouble flutter dress

Maybe Partying will help tank dress
Get UR nerd on scoop neck

Drugs are my life scoop neck

You can check them out in store after March 1st or on line at High Five.


  1. These custom t-shirts are awesome! I really like the maybe partying will help - I'm actually thinking that right now...*maybe partying WILL help...* Nice work!

  2. Is there any way to buy one of these? Especially the "here comes trouble" shirt/dress?
